
Cardiovascular Risk and Cholesterol: Making Sense of the New Guidelines Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, MD Disclosures February 07, 2014

It uses pooled cohort equations and incorporates age, sex, race, total and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), systolic blood pressure, use of blood pressure-lowering medications, and smoking status. It applies to African American and non-Hispanic white men and women aged 40-79 years. The new guidelines say that patients with an estimated 10-year risk for cardiovascular disease of 7.5% or higher should be placed on moderate- to high-dose statin therapy.
The same-intensity statin recommendation also applies to patients with clinical cardiovascular disease, anyone with a low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) level of 190 mg/dL or higher, and all diabetics aged 40-75 years.


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